Digital Logic Design

Course Objectives

The aims of this course:

  • To introduce the concept of digital and binary systems.
  • To be able to design and analyze combinational logic circuits.
  • To be able to design and analyze sequential logic circuits.
  • To analyze the basic software tools for the design and implementation of digital circuits and systems.
  • To reinforce theory and techniques taught in the classroom through experiments and projects in the laboratory.

Learning Objectives

The successful completion of this course, Student will be able to:

  • Employ the codes and number systems converting circuits and Compare different types of logic families which are the basic unit of different types of logic gates in the domain of economy, performance and efficiency.
  • Simplify the Boolean expressions and apply the Boolean theorems through logical gates .
  • Design and implement variety of logical devices using combinational circuits concepts.
  • Analyze different types of digital circuit using logical tools.
  • Demonstrate and compare the construction of programmable logic devices and different types of ROM Analyze sequential circuits like Registers and Counters using flip-flops.

Reference Materials

Reference Book's Photo Reference Book's Materials
“Digital Fundamentals”, (Eleven Edition) by Thomas L.Floyd

Assessment Plan

Assessment Plan for the Course
Paper Exam 60%
Tutorials 10%
Lab 10%
Lab Accessment 10%
Quizzes/ Test 10%