Database System Structure

Learning Objectives

The aims of this course:

  • To understand storage devices and how the properties of those devices influence database physical organization and performance.
  • To understand storage structure, database efficiency, indexing, query processing and query optimization in Database Management System.
  • To understand the concept of a database transaction and related database facilities, including concurrency control, backup and recovery.
  • To realize tools and technologies that are used to build the real world interactive database applications.

Learning Outcomes

The successful completion of this course, Student will be able:

  • To be familiar with storage devices, database storage structure and data access techniques including file organization, indexing methods.
  • To explain the database transaction, concurrency control and recovery protocols.
  • To explain about how queries are processed, optimized and evaluated in a DBMS.
  • To apply the tools and techniques for developing the database design of the real world application.

Reference Materials

Reference Book's Photo Reference Book's Materials
Database System Concepts (7th Edition) by Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth, S. Sudarshan
Database System Concepts (6th Edition) by Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth, S. Sudarshan

Assessment Plan

Assessment Plan for the Course
Paper Exam 60%
Quiz 10%
Tutorial 10%
Practical Lab 20%